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30/365 Thank You

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27/365 Thank You For A Healthy Heart

 27/365 Thank You For A Healthy Heart Thank you for a healthy heart. Biologically, my heart is at a perfect state to pump blood all around my body keeping me alive and active. With the intricate design of my heart created in the hands of God I can live daily a normal life.

26/365 Thank You For the Healthy Lungs

 26/365 Thank You For the Healthy Lungs I can breathe perfectly well while in rest and in active state. I am lucky to have a healthy lungs to bring in the needed oxygen and to breathe out the carbon dioxide wastes on my body. Even in strenuous exercise my lungs is capable of working properly. Thank God for being in control of my body and giving me healthy lungs.

25/365 Thank You For The Strong Hands

 25/365 Thank You For The Strong Hands I am lucky to have strong and health hands at my age that I can use for work and play. With my healthy hands I can enjoy some of the world's popular sports like basketball and lawn tennis. With my hands I can work to provide for my family. 

24/365 Thank You For A Healthy Body Waste Disposal System

 24/365 Thank You For A Healthy Body Waste Disposal System Early morning we have this morning routine of going to our toilet to dispose our human wastes. It is automatic for healthy people. I remember once my father have this operation before to remove blocked large intestines. He cannot fart and his stomach becomes large. Thanks for a healthy intestines and all this body parts for removing wastes from our body.